The State Department has realized that I need an assistant.  If you remember in Turkey, I had two RSTs.  (Regional Security Technicians).  In Ethiopia, I had four of them.

I interviewed two gentlemen last week for the position. One was over qualified, but had no experience in the equipment I work with, and the other had less experience, but did have the experience needed.  So, I chose him.  His name is Wilson.  He was nervous at the interview, because I am a scary looking fellow.

So, in a month or more, I will have a helper that will make my job easier.  He still has to go through the medical and security checks.

And on a heavier note, I helped the Marines on a WingFest.  Do you want to see what 50 kilos (110 lbs) of wings look like?

And after they were cooked, plain, hot and BBQ.

Okay.  More later as the world moves on.  Kick butt and grab the next adventure.  … just remember to stop and breathe.