This fragile little one does not know the man holding her, but her spirit feels the love from his spirit.
Before she entered the world, she already experienced the love and nourishment from her mother, and when she came into this world it continued, and in time she recognize her voice, her touch and her scent.
But she does not know her father and must spend time with him for his love to be planted within her heart, while it is young and fertile.
You will find there is a special type of love between a father and his daughter. She feels comfortable with him. Deep within the man you will find her warrior and protector and he will be a source of amazing wisdom and knowledge; and all her life she will look upon him in awe and wonderment.
He will someday sit with her and have pretend tea and cookies. He will many times tie her shoes and may one day braid her hair, or paint her toenails, or she may paint his. He will secretly work with her to find the perfect gift for her mother. He will be elated at whatever gift she gives him, even if it is just a scribble on a piece of paper.
He will forever be her Warrior and she will forever be his Princess, and his fingerprints on her heart will last her lifetime.
Marsha said:
Love this!