I was graciously invited to hang out with a good man I work with and his family. Instead of the usual Thanksgiving feast, it was a very comfortable BBQ. I found it relaxing and I will repay the favor with a wingfest for them. Here are some pictures taken for my 99-year-old mother. (That excuse always works)
I love these types of BBQs because they are more a social event then just chowing down.
And then Yesterday, Saturday, a good man who I usually eat lunch with, Ricardo Rios had a birthday party celebrating his 60th year. I was the only American from the Consulate he invited, but there was another good American, (actually a fellow Texan) who knew Ricardo from years past, and lives in Sao Paulo with his lovely Brazilian wife. I enjoyed just sitting and watching everyone as I realized it was actually a family reunion for them. Brazilian hugging and kissing. Very nice. Right before I left, I had a picture taken of me with him, his wife and daughter.
One of the many things interesting about foreign countries, is the taxi rides. Sometimes in a taxi, the driver will ask me some question. Usually I can decipher what he (or sometimes she) is saying, but when I can’t, I will say Desculpas. Eu não entendo português (I apologize. I do not understand Portuguese).
What happens then is either of two things. Either the driver will say nothing else, or he/she will start practicing their English on me, which is always enjoyable. So on the way home from Ricardo’s party Saturday, the young man was glad to have me in his vehicle. At one point, while trying to think of something nice to say, he gave me a belated holiday greeting. He told me (in so many words) Happy Black Friday.
I could have spent time telling him that Black Friday was in no way a holiday, but it just wasn’t worth it. I simply replied, Thank you.
So, until next time, Kick butt, seize the next adventure and I hope you had a happy Black Friday.
Leigh Ann Watson said:
I think every part of your weekend was an adventure, even the ride home. :)
How rare it is that you are able to see it for what it is.