I spent two weeks in Frankfurt Germany for training. The classes were during the week leaving us the weekends to explore a very small part of the land of my ancestry, and do our best to avoid the pitfalls of debauchery. The last Saturday, seven of us decided to take the train to Heidelberg for the day. The seven included the wife of one and the girlfriend of another, thus keeping the conversations a little more refined.
We met at the Starbucks at the Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof,- Train Station (below) and boarded the train about 10 in the morning and arrived about noon. Our one main goal is to see the famous Heidelberg castle which is in ruins, so we set out on foot in that direction. That’s the best way to see many places in the world: on foot. Below are some images from the castle.
Inside the castle is what remains of the palace. Notice the amazing sculptures.
Energy saving clock on the building.
This door was on one of the walls in the courtyard.
Looking down on the village of Heidelberg from the castle.
We found a place in the basement of the palace to sit and buy a beer. Afterwards, as we headed back to the train station, we stopped at one of the many places outside to eat. Seems to be the favorite pastime of the German people, sitting and eating.
More on Frankfurt later. See ya then. D.
Mom elleta nolte said:
I was in Heidelberg before you. Briefly. The first time your dad and I went to Paris (and other places) we visited (with a group) this place. The time was so brief that I don’t remember much about it and we were’t offered beer. We flew out of Frankfurt for home.