Dani works for Uma and Kris three days a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Those are also the days the next lottery comes out. So when Dani is in Kris’s room cleaning, if he remembers, he tells Dani to tell me to pick up three Powerball tickets and three Multimillion tickets. So, on my way to get Dani, I will stop by a convenience store and pick them up. From what I understand, you can ask for extras, which I believe it is something about winning more. Once a clerk asked me if I wanted extras, I told her No, because it didn’t make sense getting extras since the tickets won’t win. That put a funny look on her face.

So, one time when I gave him his tickets as he laid in bed, I told him, “Kris, if you win, Dani gets 1% of the winnings.” He gave me a big smile. So, back in the kitchen with Uma, we spoke briefly where all that lottery money goes, and I told her at one time it was suppose to go to the schools. She said Kris has been playing the lottery for 20 years, and she said something about him needing to change the way he prays to one of their gods to win. (something like that).

Then I told her, “When I gave him his tickets, I told him that if he wins, he needs to give 1% to Dani.”

Uma lit up!

“NO! I told him to confess (promise) to me that he will give Dani half. I told him to confess to me now, but he wouldn’t!”

That would explain why Kris gave me such a big smile.

~ you know, she is one of those people I truly wish I could record what she says. I feel so comfortable with her and can say anything to her. Once she was mad about her son who lives in Houston and after one long rant, I said, “Whew! Uma, you are one tough woman.” She didn’t respond. I love to push her buttons and joke with her to make her laugh. She has a beautiful smile and I wish I could get a picture of her. I once told her how beautiful her granddaughters were, and she was stunned, then smiled and thanked me deeply. I wondered if anyone ever told her that before.