We are arrived back in Brazil on December 23rd and it took a few days to get settled into the apartment. The next day, we had Dani’s family come over for food and drink.
In Brazil, it is customary to have a dinner right after midnight on Christmas Eve, then her family stayed the night and left on Christmas. This was a surprise to me, but perfectly acceptable. So, here are a few pics of the dinner.
This my pretty little friend after eating a plate full of grapes. Brazilian love fruits and the country produces a great amount of all fruits and vegetables.
This is my pretty friend after staying up late and eating midnight dinner. She stayed there until mamma put pajamas on her and placed her in bed.
Other that this it was a quiet, pleasant holiday; but before I go, I want to show you a short video we took in Oklahoma when we visited my brother and his lovely wife. This was at a church which had put up about 400 million lights. (or at least it seemed that many)