I have discovered I am a Bean Master.  My fourth batch of beans were incredible!  I realized the best way to season beans is only with the sausage I add to them.  Today I made a healthy batch of beans, both black and kinda brown, and sliced up about a foot and a half of the flavorful sausage I get at the store down the street, and around the corner.  When I came home I prepared a pan of cornbread and sat and engulfed a savory bowl, not once, but twice.  Afterwards, I jumped out onto the balcony and thumping my chest, announced to the world, “I am the Bean Master of the World!” to the point that the players in the soccer field below stopped to look at me, and started applauding.

…. well, not really, but I wanted to.  It would have been cool if I did though.Kick butt.
