… and it’s only Monday.

Late Saturday night, Terese left her purse in a taxi here in Ankara.  After getting home I jumped on the phone to get debit and credit cards cancelled.  I sat on the phone for 20 minutes listening to something resembling music that just grinds the mind when all you can think about, is getting the cards cancelled before someone books an all expense paid trip to Mars.

Finally, some character named Renaldo came on line.  He sounded so laid back, I could have sworn he was smoking pot while talking to me.  I think I could actually hear him taking long draws from an illegal substance, and by the time I got off the phone, the room seemed rather unusual.  Almost floating.

Remember the couple who recently got married here?  Allison is a Foreign Service officer and Serkan is a guard at the Embassy.  I explained our predicament to them, and Serkan jumped on the phone and within a few hours, the purse showed up at the Embassy gate.  Everything seems to be intact, although the debit and credit cards are no longer valid.

For those in the family, if that happens to you, remember the information listed at the end of the notorious NAPE list.  Those are the numbers I called.  Just be patience when listening to the droning music and then talking to someone who sounds stoned.

Kick butt.  D.