Last weekend, we had another Wingfest and had about 45 people show up. It was pretty much the limit of our apartment. So, the next one in a few months will have to be somewhere else. As I took these pictures, I tell people they are for my 900 year old mother. No one objected, so I will post what I want. Below are the beginnings of margarita fixens. The chicken wings
The chicken wing cook.
The chicken wing cook’s damn cat before the fest. Once it started, we neither saw nor heard, hide nor head of her.
Some of the finished delicacy.
A strange variation with rum.
One of the special quests of the party, Donna (working in Afghanistan) on the left and our good Turkish friend, Ayda on the right.
Zeynep and Ayda, both Turkish beauties.
And various shots of good people.
A few shots of some of the good Marines who attended.
Finishing the evening with Marines and cigars.
We plan to do another one in a few months in honor of another good friend who will be leaving soon. D.
Elleta Nolte said:
Your 900 year old mother enjoyed seeing the people that came to your wingfest. They have good faces; I especially liked the man who is holding the little girl in the blue dress. I found myself smiling as I looked at it all. The people all wore an expression of relaxing and enjoying one another. Thank you so much for taking the pictures.
Very good what you wrote about the Cross. I don’t remember the names of the ones who had the idea and built it. I hope they have made notes of some of the ones who came to see it
GSN said:
Sir and Ma’am, I knowingly breach the bounds of etiquette and humble request an invitation should y’all have another one of these shindigs nearer to August-September of 2015.
dknolte said:
I almost tagged this as Spam, until I saw the email.
Marsha Luke said:
So that’s how you get people to let you take their picture!
dknolte said:
I don’t know if it’s the 900 year old part, or the “mother” part, but it works.