MASP stand for Museum of Art – Sao Paulo. … or at least I think is does.
This post has a lot of pictures, so I hope you don’t get bored.
In her endeavor to keep me healthy, Dani has decided we will do more walking. So, last Saturday we walked to Paulista Avenue to the MASP.
The ticket price to get in, is Br$40, which amounts to about $10 US. Since I am an old fart (60 or older), I get in half price. So .. $5 for me.
We go into the museum and I see all sorts of wire sculptures. A few interesting, but none worth paying $5 to see. Below is what I took pictures of, with some additional commentary.Here is some “artwork” that looks like I got angry while wiring a piece of equipment, and decided to rip it all out and wad it up.And here are two exceptionally worthless … uh, things.And here is one that must have taken a great deal of time and forethought. It is a little out of focus, but I don’t think it makes any difference:It was at this time I thought seriously about going back out and getting my 5 dollars back, then Dani told me there were more upstairs and sure enough, she was right.
What we came across first, was not unlike what we saw downstairs. Here is a stunning piece that must have shook the earth. A picture of a picture.And some bright artist evidently came across this in a salvage yard and yelled out, “Eureka!” and proceeded to display it.For those of you who don’t know what this is, I will tell you it is an old light fixture, probably from a stadium or maybe a parking lot. Ingenious! And then, I saw this:What I erroneously thought is a broken piece of glass, is not. I noticed the description of the “work” and realized to my horror, that it is supposed to be … art. I did not fully read the complete description because I lost interest immediately.
Right next to it, but no picture to show you was a blank white canvas. My first thought, it was a picture of a polar bear in a snowstorm, but then I looked on the backside and saw the painting was there. It was some sort of riot scene. So, I guess it was supposed to be a political statement, so I walked away to this amazing thing below:This wonderful piece looks like handbags hemorrhaging out of the glass. No sense of art. Not even on a kindergarten level.
The “artwork” below is total chaos to me. If any of you see anything in it, please let me know. I assure you, it is not upside down.This is a concrete wall that I never understood what was going on. Something about people are suppose to use some of the material located nearby and add to its beauty. All I saw, was just a stack of paper. That’s it.So, to keep with the total nonsense being passed off as art, I decided to add this picture to the gallery.Makes about as much sense. To be truthful, I saw nothing more than that which falls out of the north-end of a southbound cow. But, then the further I walked toward the back of the museum, I began to see real art. Here are several pieces that I actually sensed had something to say. The tiny green dots you see are reflections of the lighting in the ceiling. Here are some interesting sculptures: This first one probably is supposed to have some racial statement. And now we come to some work that is true art. I first saw the beauty in Holy Icons when we lived in Russia. Here are a couple: I was surprised to come across 4 pieces of Vincent Van Gogh’s work. – 1853-1890 These next two are phenomenal! They are the amazing work of Andries van der Horn, 1638. But it was this one that brought me to tears. Literally. When I first saw it, I knew it had to be one of the many self-portraits of Rembrandt. I was not wrong.I stood stunned, looking at this work of the Genius just inches from my face. I could have reach out and touched it, but did not. It was not just a copy of the original, but was the original! The only other Rembrandt that I have seen in person, was his “The Descent from the Cross” which is hanging in the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, Russia. This is the one that made the $5 entrance fee worth $50. I will go back and view it again. Most likely at a time when I am in need of a creative spark.
And … perhaps see what else passes as art on the lower level.
Until we talk again, wrap your arms around any adventure that comes your way, and kick butt! D.