Nolte Wingfest

That term has become well known in the Embassy.

When we have one of these, we invite about 70 people in which only half show up.  So, 35 is really the limit for us to host in our apartment.  So this time, being our last, we obtained permission form the Embassy to use an area behind the cafeteria for a personal party.  It being on a weekend, we knew fewer would show up, but with the invitation going to pretty much everyone in the Embassy, we still had over a 100 people.  Below are a mess of pictures.  The first one is before people arrived.IMG_0678JPGThen they began to trickle in.IMG_0683JPG IMG_0682JPG IMG_0681JPG IMG_0679JPG IMG_0690JPG IMG_0688JPG IMG_0687JPG IMG_0686JPG 13612321_10210561619463736_4807664802247064546_nOne thing that makes these so special to me, is the Marines who come and partake of these.  Every time, the wings left over go home with them to feed those who were not able to come.   I asked the Marines to sell beer and wine during the fest, which helps them support the Marine Ball.IMG_0684JPGIMG_0680JPG 13900275_10210561615863646_5695858421792744399_nThe two females are Marines who know how to shoot to kill.  Don’t let their petite sizes fool you.  Also, notice the Marines on the left who stop by to sample the wings while on duty.13939605_10210561613103577_3271980117992945612_nIn reality, the pictures do not do the Fest justice, because they appear to show much fewer people.  I spent the time at the feeding trough dishing out food (above) and Terese spent time in the cafeteria cooking the wings, so what pictures we had were minimal.  But suffice to say, it was most enjoyable and we look forward to creating the WingFest extravaganza when we get to Sao Paulo.